Shipping agency

Icon Prearrival

EMS Shipmanagement offers agency services for ships calling the German ports of Emden and Leer. Among other things, we take care of clearing the vessels in and out, customs services, lockages and crew changes. We also announce the vessels’ arrival according to National Single Window (NSW) regulations.


Icon Provisions

Granting our crew a healthy, balanced and delicious diet aboard our vessels is very important to EMS Shipmanagement. While offering our customers a transparent billing system and flexible rates, we support our galley staff in best meeting the manifold needs and tastes of their fellow crew members. For example, we encourage our cooks to participate […]

Flag service

Icon flag service

At EMS Shipmanagement, we assists in all matters with regard to the flag of your vessel. We advise you which flag suits your purposes best, obtain all necessary certificates and change a vessel’s register according to your requirements. EMS Shipmanagement cooperates with a variety of flag states and has a special focus on the flags […]

Quality and safety management/ISPS

Icon Quality Management

EMS Shipmanagement ensures that your vessels are certified according to ISM, ISPS and MLC. As part of this, we handle the documentation and prepare all necessary manuals. In addition, we organize and accompany the audits/inspections of the classification societies and flag states.

budgetary control and accounting

Icon Buchhaltung

As part of our services, EMS Shipmanagement takes care of budgetary control, liquidity planning and accounting as well. We keep minute track of all transactions and prepare annual financial statements in close cooperation with your tax consultant. EMS Shipmanagement highly values transparency and helps you to increase your financial efficiency.

Insurance and claims settlement

Icon Versicherung

At EMS Shipmanagement, we make sure that your vessels have tailor-made insurance protection. In case of a damage, we coordinate all parties involved, represent your interest and prepare everything needed for a rapid settlement. We document damages thoroughly and according to regulations, look after the vessel and the crew and arrange crew changes if needed. […]

Crew management

Icon Crewmanagement

Through our sister company, Northwest Competence, we have direct access to a network of crewing experts. We are therefore able to select the best seafarers for your needs. The crews of EMS Shipmanagement undergo regular training, and we ensure that all crew members are in possession of the internationally required education and training certificates.

yard times

Icon Werftzeiten

EMS Shipmanagement has vast experiences with shipyards all across Europe. This puts us in a perfect position to pick and book the yards that suit your vessels best. Of course, we also negotiate budgets and control them as well. At the shipyard, our inspectors – who went to sea themselves – thoroughly look after your […]

Maintenance and repair

Icon Instandhaltung

The team of EMS Shipmanagement has extensive experiences in the technical and nautical management just as well as in the maintenance and repair of vessels. Thanks to our long-standing relationships with our suppliers, we are able to procure all spare parts – also for older vessels. In addition, we also take care of the lifecycle […]